Friday 19 October 2018

C# - IEnumerable++ Linq, Lambdas, AsQueryable

So in the previous post I wrote a Linq query against the IEnumerable enabled Customers class. In that post I showed the Non-Public members and wanted to replicate them. I am glad to give here some code with replicates the original Line query.

It turns out according to this SO answer that there are two ways of using LINQ expressions, you have to use either Lambda expression or SQL-Like expression

The Original "SQL" Linq Query
Customers custs = new Customers();
var query = from Customer c in custs where c.Country != "Mexico" select new { c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName };
The Linq Query Re-Expressed With Lambdas
Customers custs = new Customers();
var query2 = custs.AsQueryable().Where(c => c.Country != "Mexico").Select((c) => new { c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName });

Inspecting the variable query shows the same Non-Public members are shown in previous post.


So I named this series of posts as IEnumerable++. It seems IQueryable++ may now seem more appropriate. The hop from IEnumerable to IQueryable is achieved by the Queryable.AsQueryable method. That is the magic method that takes us away from the SQL-like syntax to the Lambda syntax.


Latest Source

So this source code is evolving, I have separated and commented out the Orders class for tidiness. It remains a console program. I will need the Orders class when I introduce joins.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

using System.Dynamic;
using System.Linq.Dynamic;   // Install-Package 'System.Linq.Dynamic' NuGet
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace ConsoleEnumTut01
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Customers custs = new Customers();
            var query = from Customer c in custs where c.Country != "Mexico" select new { c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName };

            foreach (var customer in query)

        static void LinqWithLambdas()
            Customers custs = new Customers();
            var query2 = custs.AsQueryable().Where(c => c.Country != "Mexico").Select((c) => new { c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName });

            foreach (var customer in query2)

    class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; set; } // key field, unique identifier
        public string CustomerName { get; set; }
        public string ContactName { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0} {1}", CustomerId, CustomerName); /* simple for now */ }

    class Customers : IEnumerable<Customer>, IEnumerator<Customer>
        // private members
        List<Customer> _customers;
        int _cursor;

        // constructors
        public Customers()
            // delegate to Factory
            _customers = CustomersListFactory.CreateCustomers();
            _cursor = -1;

        // Interfaces explicitly implemented

        // IEnumerable<>
        IEnumerator<Customer> IEnumerable<Customer>.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerable
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerator, IEnumerator<>
        Customer IEnumerator<Customer>.Current => _customers[_cursor];

        object IEnumerator.Current => _customers[_cursor];

        bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
            return (_cursor < _customers.Count);

        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            _cursor = -1;

        // IDisposable
        void IDisposable.Dispose()


    static class CustomersListFactory
        public static List<Customer> CreateCustomers()
            List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 1, CustomerName = "Big Corp", ContactName = "Mandy", Country = "USA" });
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 2, CustomerName = "Medium Corp", ContactName = "Bob", Country = "Canada" });
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 3, CustomerName = "Small Corp", ContactName = "Jose", Country = "Mexico" });
            return customers;

    class Order
        public int OrderId { get; set; }
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }
        public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", OrderId, CustomerId, OrderDate);  }

    static class OrdersListFactory
        public static List<Order> CreateOrders()
            List<Order> orders = new List<Order>();
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 420, CustomerId = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 421, CustomerId = 3, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 11) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 422, CustomerId = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 12) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 423, CustomerId = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 13) });
            return orders;

    class Orders : IEnumerable<Order>, IEnumerator<Order>
        // private members
        List<Order> _orders;
        int _cursor;

        // constructors
        public Orders()
            // delegate to Factory
            _orders = OrdersListFactory.CreateOrders();
            _cursor = -1;

        // Interfaces explicitly implemented

        // IEnumerable<>
        IEnumerator<Order> IEnumerable<Order>.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerable
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerator, IEnumerator<>
        Order IEnumerator<Order>.Current => _orders[_cursor];

        object IEnumerator.Current => _orders[_cursor];

        bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
            return (_cursor < _orders.Count);

        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            _cursor = -1;

        // IDisposable
        void IDisposable.Dispose()


C# - IEnumerable++ Our First Linq Query

So I want to start running some Linq queries against our simple classes which support IEnumerable (and thus IEnumerator). I want to start poking around at the types that are created on our behalf by LINQ expressions.

So following on from the code in previous post where I built two classes Customers, and Orders to poke around how to implement IEnumerable (even though I ended up delegating to IList<>), I can now write a LINQ query, so here is the console program's Main() method

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Customers custs = new Customers();
            var query = from Customer c in custs where c.Country != "Mexico" select new { c.CustomerId, c.CustomerName };

            foreach (var customer in query)

So this compiles but let's inspect what is compiled on our behalf, here is a screenshot of the query variable

The screenshot is not copy and pastable so I give in plain text what I see because I want to Google on these terms ...

query        {Sytem.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator<ConsoleEnumTut01.Customer, <>f_AnonymousType0<int,string> >

query, Non-Public members
current      { CustomerId = 1, CustomerName = "Big Corp" }
enumerator   {ConsoleEnumTut01.Customers}
predicate    {Method = { Boolean <Main> b__0_0(ConsoleEnumTut01.Customer)}}
selector     {Method = {<>f__AnonymousType0`2[System.Int32,System.String] <Main>b__0_1(ConsoleEnumTut01.Customer)}}
source       {ConsoleEnumTut01.Customers}

Above, in the Non-Public members <Main> refers to the method Main(), if you move the code to a separate procedure called, e.g. Foo(), then the <Main> will change to <Foo>. Also, we can see the select new clause is compiled to an anonymous type though I cannot says what the 0`2 suffix naming convention represents. Lastly, one can see b__0_0 and b__0_1 looks like it is incrementing; if moved to a separate method Foo() then they become b__1_0 and b__1_1 so I'm guessing the increments are there to avoid some name class in some name space somewhere. Lots to investigate there.

Why delve to such a low level? Well, I'm interested to see if we actually need these Linq expressions or if they can be compiled separately from strings etc. and be parameterized. Dynamic Linq does this though I am (as yet) unclear as to how far I can take this.

Thursday 18 October 2018

C# - IEnumerable++ Introduction

I am very curious about C# and its LINQ technology. My first guesses are that LINQ Is based on IEnumerable. I'm starting a series of posts based on IEnumerable and technologies based thereupon, hence IEnumerable++.

I'm placing some beginner code here because I want to revisit IEnumerable from the ground up. This is because it is (I believe) a key interface in the advanced topic of Linq. Here is a screenshot of the System.Linq.Enumerable metadata showing the prevalence of IEnumerable.

So in the screenshot one can see plenty of SQL keywords such as Select and OrderBy, off-screen are other keywords such as Join, GroupBy, Count, Distinct, Union, Where. It is clear to me that the beginner topic IEnumerable is a key interface worth knowing inside out because it will assist in understanding the advanced topic of System.Linq.Enumerable. I will work from beginner topics through to advanced in a series of posts.

So some of these posts may look too elementary but it is a question of dotting i's and crossing t's for a fuller understanding.

IEnumerable drives ForEach

So most people know IEnumerable as being that which drives foreach statement. Here is some code which shows an automatic implementation by virtue of the List<> class as well as a manual implementation explicitly implementing IEnumerable and IEnumerator. The code that follows is intended for a console .NET Framework project.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleEnumTut01
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Customer> customers = ListFactory.CreateCustomers();

            foreach (var customer in customers)

            Customers customers2 = new Customers();
            foreach (var customer2 in customers2)

    class Customer
        public int CustomerId { get; set; } // key field, unique identifier
        public string CustomerName { get; set; }
        public string ContactName { get; set; }
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0} {1}", CustomerId, CustomerName); /* simple for now */ }

    class Customers : IEnumerable<Customer>, IEnumerator<Customer>
        // private members
        List<Customer> _customers;
        int _cursor;

        // constructors
        public Customers()
            // delegate to Factory
            _customers = ListFactory.CreateCustomers();
            _cursor = -1;

        // Interfaces explicitly implemented

        // IEnumerable<>
        IEnumerator<Customer> IEnumerable<Customer>.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerable
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this;

        // IEnumerator, IEnumerator<>
        Customer IEnumerator<Customer>.Current => _customers[_cursor];

        object IEnumerator.Current => _customers[_cursor];

        bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
            return (_cursor < _customers.Count);

        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            _cursor = -1;

        // IDisposable
        void IDisposable.Dispose()


    class Order
        public int OrderId { get; set; }
        public int CustomerId { get; set; }
        public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; }

    static class ListFactory
        public static List<Customer> CreateCustomers()
            List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 1, CustomerName = "Big Corp", ContactName = "Mandy", Country = "USA" });
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 2, CustomerName = "Medium Corp", ContactName = "Bob", Country = "Canada" });
            customers.Add(new Customer { CustomerId = 3, CustomerName = "Small Corp", ContactName = "Jose", Country = "Mexico" });
            return customers;

        public static List<Order> CreateOrders()
            List<Order> orders = new List<Order>();
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 420, CustomerId = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 10) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 421, CustomerId = 3, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 11) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 422, CustomerId = 1, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 12) });
            orders.Add(new Order { OrderId = 423, CustomerId = 2, OrderDate = new DateTime(2018, 10, 13) });
            return orders;

I want to start running some LINQ queries, see next post.


Wednesday 23 May 2018

C# - Code to scrape details using HTML Agility Pack

So I find the Microsoft learning website very painful to navigate. I wanted to get a record of all exams so I wrote some code to query the microsoft website and then save to disk

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

static class StringExtenions
    public static string Right(this string sArg, int length)
        return sArg.Substring(Math.Max(sArg.Length - length, 0));

    public static string PadZeroes(this string sArg, int length)
        return (new String('0', length) + sArg).Right(length);

namespace MicrosoftLearning
    //extension method

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            for (int i = 80; i <= 199; i++)
                string pad = i.ToString().PadZeroes(3);
                string html = readExam(pad);
                using (var fil = System.IO.File.CreateText(@"n:microsoftexams" + pad + ".html"))

        public static string readExam(string sExamNum)
            string html = "";
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    string sUrl = "" + sExamNum + ".aspx";
                    Task<string> tskGet = client.GetStringAsync(sUrl);
                    html = tskGet.Result;
                catch (Exception ex)

                    if (ex.InnerException.Message == "Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).")
                        //bury the error
                        throw new Exception("unanticipated error:", ex);
            return html;

Then I needed some code to loop through the files and extract key data to help me choose which exams are relevant to a C# developer. Below, I use HTML Agility Pack to extract data from HTML then I build up an Xml document of exams. Also I wanted some filtering, so I wrote some LinqToXml code to whittle down a second file of exams.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using hap = HtmlAgilityPack; //nuget HtmlAgilityPack 1.8.1.

// example extension methods to help me from my VB6/VBA heritage
static class StringExtenions
    public static string Right(this string sArg, int length)
        return sArg.Substring(Math.Max(sArg.Length - length, 0));

    public static string PadZeroes(this string sArg, int length)
        return (new String('0', length) + sArg).Right(length);

namespace MicrosoftLearningHtmlAgilityPack
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XmlDocument xmlReport = new XmlDocument();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 700; i++)
                string html = "";
                string sExamNumPadded = i.ToString().PadZeroes(3);
                string filenameLoop = @"n:microsoftexams" + sExamNumPadded + ".html";

                html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filenameLoop);
                if (html.Length > 0)
                    XmlElement xmlExam = xmlReport.CreateElement("exam");
                        XmlElement xmlExamNum = xmlReport.CreateElement("examNum");
                        xmlExamNum.InnerText = i.ToString();

                        XmlElement xmlExamLocalUrl = xmlReport.CreateElement("examLocalUrl");
                        xmlExamLocalUrl.InnerText = "file:///N:/microsoftexams/" + sExamNumPadded + ".html";
                        XmlElement xmlExamWebUrl = xmlReport.CreateElement("examWebUrl");
                        xmlExamWebUrl.InnerText = "" + sExamNumPadded + ".aspx";


                        XmlElement xmlExamStatus = xmlReport.CreateElement("examStatus");
                        xmlExamStatus.InnerText = i.ToString();

                            XmlElement xmlisCSharp = xmlReport.CreateElement("isCSharp");
                            int lCSharpIndexOf = html.IndexOf("C#");
                            xmlisCSharp.InnerText = lCSharpIndexOf > 0 ? "1" : "0";

                        int lExamHasBeen = html.IndexOf("exam has been");
                        if (lExamHasBeen > 0)
                            int lExamHasBeenWithdrawn = html.IndexOf("exam has been withdrawn");
                            if (lExamHasBeenWithdrawn > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " has been withdrawn");
                                xmlExamStatus.InnerText = "withdrawn";
                                Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + " has been something else");
                                xmlExamStatus.InnerText = "live";
                            xmlExamStatus.InnerText = "live";

                    hap.HtmlDocument hapDoc = new hap.HtmlDocument();

                        hap.HtmlNode title = hapDoc.GetElementbyId("exam-title");
                        XmlElement xmlExamTitle = xmlReport.CreateElement("examTitle");
                        xmlExamTitle.InnerText = title.InnerText.Trim();

                    hap.HtmlNode details = hapDoc.GetElementbyId("msl2ExamHero-details");

                    hap.HtmlNode detailsList = details.LastChild;
                    XmlElement xmlExamDetails = xmlReport.CreateElement("examDetails");


                    foreach (hap.HtmlNode detailsListLoop in detailsList.SelectNodes("li"))
                        XmlElement xmlExamDetailLoopKey = null;

                            string sDetailName = null;
                            bool bTakeFirstOnly = false;
                            bool splitValues = false;
                            /* using Xml XPath with HTML Agility Pack */
                            hap.HtmlNode label = detailsListLoop.SelectSingleNode("div/div/div/strong");
                            switch (label.InnerText)
                                case "Published:":
                                    xmlExamDetailLoopKey = xmlReport.CreateElement("published");
                                case "Languages:":
                                    sDetailName = "language";
                                    xmlExamDetailLoopKey = xmlReport.CreateElement("languages");
                                    splitValues = true;
                                    bTakeFirstOnly = true;
                                case "Audiences:":
                                    sDetailName = "audience";
                                    xmlExamDetailLoopKey = xmlReport.CreateElement("audiences");
                                    splitValues = true;
                                case "Technology:":
                                    sDetailName = "technology";
                                    xmlExamDetailLoopKey = xmlReport.CreateElement("technologies");
                                    splitValues = true;
                                case "Credit towards certification:":
                                    sDetailName = "certification";
                                    xmlExamDetailLoopKey = xmlReport.CreateElement("certification");
                                    splitValues = true;
                                    Console.ReadLine(); // to break

                            string sValue = null;
                                char[] sep = new char[] { ':' };
                                sValue = detailsListLoop.InnerText.Split(sep)[1].Trim();

                            if (!splitValues)
                                xmlExamDetailLoopKey.InnerText = sValue;
                                char[] sep = new char[] { ',' };
                                string[] sValues = sValue.Split(sep);
                                foreach (string sValueLoop in sValues)
                                    string sValueLoop2 = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(sValueLoop.Trim());

                                    XmlElement xmlValueLoop = xmlReport.CreateElement(sDetailName);
                                    xmlValueLoop.InnerText = sValueLoop2;
                                    if (bTakeFirstOnly) { break; }



             * Now I want to filter, I could have annotated along the way but I wanted to use Xml to Linq 
            var document = XDocument.Load(@"n:microsoftexamsexamReport.xml");

            // find exams with developer audiences, first drill down 
            var developerExams = document.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "audience" && node.Value == "Developers")
                                          .Ancestors().Where(node => node.Name == "exam");

            // from our list, loop thru each, go up via Parent until you reach <exam> and then grab <examNum>
            List<string> devExamNumbers = new List<string>();
            foreach (var developerExam in developerExams)

                XElement developerExamNum = developerExam.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "examNum").First();


            // like other deletion code we reverse the list and start deleting from the back...
            foreach (var examLoop in document.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "exam").Reverse())
                XElement examNum = examLoop.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "examNum").First();
                if (!devExamNumbers.Contains(examNum.Value))

            var lessInterestingExamsByTechnology = document.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "technology" && 
                  (node.Value.Contains("Windows Phone 7") 
                  || node.Value.Contains("Biztalk") 
                  || node.Value.Contains("Sharepoint")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Silverlight")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Windows 10")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Team Foundation Server")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Azure") ))
                                            .Ancestors().Where(node => node.Name == "exam").Reverse();
            foreach (var exam in lessInterestingExamsByTechnology)

            var lessInterestingExamsByTitle = document.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "examTitle" &&
                  || node.Value.Contains("HTML5")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Team Foundation Server")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Application Lifecycle Management")
                  || node.Value.Contains("Windows Store")))
                                            .Ancestors().Where(node => node.Name == "exam").Reverse();
            foreach (var exam in lessInterestingExamsByTitle)

            var withdrawnExams = document.Descendants().Where(node => node.Name == "examStatus" &&
                  (node.Value == "withdrawn"))
                                            .Ancestors().Where(node => node.Name == "exam").Reverse();
            foreach (var exam in withdrawnExams)



Might as well share the output files, here, first is he shorter filtered file ...

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <examTitle>Programming in C#</examTitle>
      <published>12 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications</examTitle>
      <published>4 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2017</technology>
        <technology>ASP.NET MVC</technology>
        <technology>ASP.NET Core</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: Web Applications</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
        <technology>ASP.NET MVC</technology>

Here is the full file snapped May 2018 ...

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <examTitle>Microsoft Forefront Identity &amp; Access Management, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>20 November 2011</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Microsoft Project Server 2010, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>17 June 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Project 2010</technology>
        <certification>Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)</certification>
    <examTitle>TS: Managing Projects with Microsoft Project 2010</examTitle>
      <published>15 February 2011</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Project 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Administering and Deploying System Centre 2012 Configuration Manager</examTitle>
      <published>16 April 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager</technology>
    <examTitle>Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud</examTitle>
      <published>07 April 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft System Centre 2012 And Microsoft System Centre 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud</examTitle>
      <published>07 April 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft System Centre 2012 And Microsoft System Centre 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>1 February 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>01 February 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Deploying Enterprise Voice with Skype for Business 2015</examTitle>
      <published>31 July 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Skype For Business</technology>
    <examTitle>Core Solutions of Microsoft Skype for Business 2015</examTitle>
      <published>31 July 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Skype For Business</technology>
    <examTitle>Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>06 November 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Lync Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Enterprise Voice &amp; Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>06 November 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Lync Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Managing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016</examTitle>
      <published>20 June 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2016</technology>
    <examTitle>Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>15 January 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Exchange Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013</examTitle>
      <published>15 January 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Exchange Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016</examTitle>
      <published>8 January 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Exchange Server 2016</technology>
    <examTitle>Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements</examTitle>
      <published>17 February 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Office 365</technology>
    <examTitle>Enabling Office 365 Services</examTitle>
      <published>17 February 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Office 365</technology>
    <examTitle>Managing Projects and Portfolios with Microsoft PPM</examTitle>
      <published>28 July 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Office 365 Project Portfolio Management</technology>
    <examTitle>Universal Windows Platform – App Architecture and UX/UI</examTitle>
      <published>05 October 2015</published>
        <technology>Windows 10</technology>
    <examTitle>Universal Windows Platform – App Data, Services and Coding Patterns</examTitle>
      <published>13 October 2015</published>
        <technology>Windows 10</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Mobile Apps</examTitle>
      <published>22 July 2016</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio Community</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSE: SharePoint</examTitle>
      <published>6 January 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Sharepoint Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSE: Communication</examTitle>
      <published>7 January 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Lync Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSE: Messaging</examTitle>
      <published>7 January 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Exchange Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Planning for and Managing Devices in the Enterprise</examTitle>
      <published>24 November 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS)</technology>
    <examTitle>Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012</examTitle>
      <published>17 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Administering Windows Server 2012</examTitle>
      <published>17 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services</examTitle>
      <published>17 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure</examTitle>
      <published>07 April 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 And Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure</examTitle>
      <published>07 April 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 And Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure</examTitle>
      <published>12 December 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing Desktop Application Environments</examTitle>
      <published>12 December 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012</examTitle>
      <published>21 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance</examTitle>
      <published>30 September 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development</examTitle>
      <published>10 December 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance</examTitle>
      <published>30 September 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing, optimizing, and maintaining a database administrative solution using Microsoft SQL Server 2008</examTitle>
      <published>12 November 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>PRO: Designing Database Solutions and Data Access Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008</examTitle>
      <published>26 November 2008</published>
        <audience>  Developers</audience>
        <technology>SQL Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server 2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Part 1</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server 2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Part 2</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Transition Your MCITP: Database Administrator 2008 or MCITP: Database Developer 2008 to MCSE: Data Platform</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Transition Your MCITP: Business Intelligence Developer 2008 to MCSE: Business Intelligence</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 Databases</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Microsoft SQL Server Databases</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing Business Intelligence Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server</examTitle>
      <published>11 June 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSE: Data Platform</examTitle>
      <published>16 August 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSE: Business Intelligence</examTitle>
      <published>10 August 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft SQL Server 2014</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>27 October 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Implementing Big Data Analytics Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>27 October 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3</examTitle>
      <published>20 August 2012</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript</examTitle>
      <published>11 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Advanced Windows Store App Development Using HTML5 and JavaScript</examTitle>
      <published>4 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Programming in C#</examTitle>
      <published>12 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C#</examTitle>
      <published>23 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#</examTitle>
      <published>18 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications</examTitle>
      <published>4 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2017</technology>
        <technology>ASP.NET MVC</technology>
        <technology>ASP.NET Core</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services</examTitle>
      <published>17 October 2012</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2013</technology>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>20 July 2013</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>20 November 2013</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2013</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
        <technology>ASP.NET MVC</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: Windows Store Apps using C#</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio</technology>
    <examTitle>Upgrade your MCPD: Web Developer 4 to MCSD: Web Applications</examTitle>
      <published>13 May 2013</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: Web Applications</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
        <technology>ASP.NET MVC</technology>
    <examTitle>Administering Visual Studio Team Foundation Server</examTitle>
      <published>8 June 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2015</technology>
    <examTitle>Software Testing with Visual Studio</examTitle>
      <published>8 June 2014</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2015</technology>
    <examTitle>Delivering Continuous Value with Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management</examTitle>
      <published>8 June 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2015</technology>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: Application Lifecycle Management</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
        <technology>Visual Studio</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Silverlight 4, Development</examTitle>
      <published>21 January 2011</published>
    <examTitle>TS: Windows Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>02 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010, Administration</examTitle>
      <published>16 June 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Visual Studio 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>02 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010</technology>
        <certification>Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)</certification>
        <certification>Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD)</certification>
    <examTitle>TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>02 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2012</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>17 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012</technology>
        <certification>Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)</certification>
    <examTitle>Recertification for MCSD: SharePoint Applications</examTitle>
      <published>01 August 2014</published>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and Developing Windows Applications Using Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>02 July 2010</published>
        <audience>  Partners</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and developing web applications using Microsoft .NET Framework 4</examTitle>
      <published>02 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>01 September 2014</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Visual Studio</technology>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>04 September 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions</examTitle>
      <published>26 February 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Architecting Microsoft Azure SolutionsÂ</examTitle>
      <published>30 November 2017</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack (Beta)</examTitle>
      <published>31 January 2018</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
    <examTitle>Implementing Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions</examTitle>
    <examTitle>Managing Linux Workloads on Azure</examTitle>
    <examTitle>TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development</examTitle>
      <published>12 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 applications</examTitle>
      <published>12 July 2010</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and Developing Microsoft Azure Applications</examTitle>
      <published>14 February 2011</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Azure</technology>
      <published>30 March 2011</published>
        <technology>Microsoft Biztalk Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and Developing Windows Phone Applications</examTitle>
      <published>14 July 2011</published>
        <technology>Windows Phone 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>06 March 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>06 March 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>06 March 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator</examTitle>
      <published>3 April 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator</examTitle>
      <published>03 April 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist</examTitle>
      <published>29 October 2007</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization</examTitle>
      <published>12 February 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>22 October 2009</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</examTitle>
      <published>29 January 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Exchange Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>12 July 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>PRO: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Administrator</examTitle>
      <published>12 July 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Microsoft Sharepoint Server 2010</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Desktop Virtualization</examTitle>
      <published>29 April 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organizations</examTitle>
      <published>01 October 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organisations</examTitle>
      <published>01 October 2008</published>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>TS: Designing, Assessing, and Optimizing Software Asset Management (SAM)</examTitle>
      <published>04 November 2008</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows 7, Configuring</examTitle>
      <published>1 April 2009</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows 7 and Office 2010, Deploying</examTitle>
      <published>24 September 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>OEM Reseller</examTitle>
      <published>19 October 2011</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician</examTitle>
      <published>27 November 2009</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator</examTitle>
      <published>20 November 2009</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 7</technology>
    <examTitle>Configuring Windows 8.1</examTitle>
      <published>17 September 2012</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
    <examTitle>Supporting Windows 8.1</examTitle>
      <published>18 January 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
    <examTitle>Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows 8</examTitle>
      <published>22 January 2013</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
    <examTitle>Upgrading Your Windows XP Skills to MCSA Windows 8</examTitle>
      <published>03 November 2014</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
    <examTitle>Pro: Windows Server 2008 R2, Virtualization Administrator</examTitle>
      <published>31 March 2010</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows Server 2008 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Virtualising Enterprise Desktops and Apps</examTitle>
      <published>8 January 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
        <technology>Microsoft Intune</technology>
    <examTitle>Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications</examTitle>
      <published>23 January 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
    <examTitle>Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Intune</examTitle>
      <published>23 January 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 8.1</technology>
        <technology>Windows Server 2012 R2</technology>
        <technology>Microsoft Intune</technology>
    <examTitle>Configuring Windows Devices</examTitle>
      <published>01 September 2015</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 10</technology>
    <examTitle>Installing and Configuring Windows 10</examTitle>
      <published>7 June 2016</published>
        <audience>IT Professionals</audience>
        <technology>Windows 10</technology>